Looking for constructive mix feedback? Get a personalized mix critique.

Get practical, constructive advice on how you can improve your mixes and productions to help you prepare your music for the mastering stage. Your report is geared specifically to you and your mix, offering an objective view with detailed feedback and advice that you can apply regardless of the type of equipment you own, or experience you have. The mix analysis report is included with each audio mastering services option.

  • Your mix score will tell you if there are concerns with your mix that are best addressed before proceeding with mastering.
  • The quality ratings and suggestions for mix criteria such as clarity, energy and dynamics help you determine where to make changes in your mix. 
  • The personalized feedback and ideas discuss specific elements of your mix.
SAMPLE - Mix Analysis Report.pdf SAMPLE - Mix Analysis Report.pdf
Size : 1074.9 Kb
Type : pdf

"...The mix analysis reports and suggestions you provided really elevated these mixes to the next level." - Griffin Sargent

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